About Me

Perk Musacchio: Founder, Owner and "Strategy Queen"
• 37 years in public education at a highly ranked, local school district
• 2nd and 3rd grade elementary classroom teacher
• RTII (Response to Intervention and Instruction) teacher
• Special education teacher
• Instructional support teacher
My years of teaching include educating children with varying cognitive abilities, emotional needs, learning styles and disabilities, English as their second language, and different levels of autism. Working with these diverse populations has provided me with extensive experience in the areas of curriculum and program development, instructional techniques, behavior management strategies, crisis prevention and intervention, leadership, and professional development and consultation. I believe that an interactive teaching style provides relevant and meaningful instruction in a dynamic setting.
How It Began

Strategy Queen to the Rescue!
One Halloween, I came to school dressed as the "Strategy Super Hero" with my superman cape full of strategy words and items. From then on, I became known as the "Strategy Queen". I firmly believe that all children can learn, and learning can be fun!
I hope that my passion and enthusiasm for learning and teaching are contagious. I am committed to guiding, supporting, and inspiring others to reach their personal, professional and lifelong goals.